winnie♥her love is contagious.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Happy belated Birthday to my darl April

since evryone had to work so v hd postpone the celebration untill 27~last sunday. and as evryone knew that. fatty bumbum always addicted to sweet stuff especially ice-cream. so this time. da celebration held on dessert's bar. yin . da fattest bumbum and who super extremely mad to icecream was sick. so she was nt goin wif us. Pity pity kesian YOU. tsktsktsk.i dun understand why boys luv their car that much. all de boys wanted to drive their own car.but after winnie'ngamngamchamcham. so v decided suck into 2cars and they are liked whole body vry itchy without driving their wifey.

my fav;).


erm. it taste like 'fu zhok wif mixed fruits.

winnie & jc

winnie & da bufdae girl.

i dint noe all of them hvn hd their dinner. and there are ntg to eat insted of desserts. so evry1 wanna move . april's was a lil dissapoint bcoz her 2nd 'party' held at mamak. flesh and different .isnt it. tsktsktsk.

a birthday celebration are incomplete without sing a birthday song ryte.

so i took out da candle which i already hide in my bag

and v hd sumthing

vry vry extremely


special thingy for her.






this is cool. isnt it;)

girls loooove camwhore. so do i ;)

thEnd. *kissssssssssssssssess*

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